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About HSYL

Hawthorn School for Young Learners (HSYL), located in Vernon Hills, Illinois is a school that services Kindergarten students from all over the district. While some families choose our Dual Language program, all other Kindergarten students begin their Hawthorn journey at HSYL. We are extremely fortunate to have partnerships with the Vernon Hills Park District, Aspen Library, SRACLC and Vernon Hills Police and Fire. Sharing facilities and community services allows us to offer our community the very best in programming and educational resources.

It is our goal to build a positive and strong school foundation filled with learning, growth and fun! We instill a love of learning, a growth mindset stressing perseverance and independence, and teach our young Eagles social- emotional skills to last a lifetime. Our theme at HSYL is “We put the KIND in Kindergarten,” and our building works everyday to show kindness to our friends, family and community.  

At HSYL we value and welcome input and feedback from all of our stakeholders. The only true way to grow and become better is through reflection, change and action. The well-being and overall success of our students is our top priority.